The web page announces the availability of our new Bio-discography on Bix Beiderbecke. The book has been available since August 6. As a bonus to the first 1000 (one thousand) books sold, we are including a copy of a letter that Bix wrote while attending Lake Forest Academy in September 1921 (appx. 300 letters are still available). Once these copies have been sold, the letter can only be purchased from the Beiderbecke family for $5.50. It will be a first come, first served basis for the complimentary copy.
Our book is a 7 x 10, 636 pages, soft cover edition. Price of the book is $55.00 plus $6.00 s/h in the USA. California residents must add sales tax of $3.99.
Among the items within the text are all that remain of Bix's letters to his family and friends in Davenport, starting at age nine and continuing until a week prior to his death. There are about 30 letters in all. It was our intention to photocopy the letters but this proved impossible. They were yellow with age and the ink was faded. Where the letters had been folded, there is now a darkening on the page. We transcribed each letter into the text exactly as Bix wrote it. There may be a few eyebrows raised due to his spelling, as he spelled by "ear". Each letter has spelling and punctuation exactly as he wrote them.
The recordings have a brief description, the soloists are noted along with the number of bars each plays. If a musician played on that particular recording date, his comments are included there, from such side-kicks as Roy Bargy, Bill Rank, Paul Mertz, etc. Sort of a disc-jockeys dream come true. One can listen to Bix's recordings and read the comments.
We believe the collection of over 100 photographs (in the book) of Bix is the most complete thus far offered. There are over 250 photographs relating to Bix and the Bixian era, some never before seen.
This is your opportunity to purchase the book and obtain the bonus letter. We will advise you of your payment upon receipt and at the same time be able to make certain of your mailing address. We will accept either checks or money orders. With a money order we will ship the day it arrives. With a check we must wait until it clears before shipping, usually 10 days.
We considered a hard cover edition, but when the printer suggested we would have to sell the book for at least $80-$85 we instead chose the soft cover edition. The front cover has a four color portrait of Bix painted by Ward Olson. Every page is full of information in a "diary" or a journal format to simplify finding by date, the who, what and where of Bix. Direct quotes exactly as Bix's friends, family and fellow musicians stated them. We are proud of this book and believe you will enjoy having the book as much as we have enjoyed writing it.
Phil Evans